So I wen't searching for what I could do for myself. What are the things within my power to change? Hippocrates once said, "Let food be the medicine, and medicine be thy food." And I started to mull over this idea and search for diets that reduce inflammation and provide a better balance of the minerals and vitamins than the one the dietitian gave me. In the process, I heard various forms of the paleo diet mentioned so many times I started to check into it. What I read at first was overwhelming, but it stayed in the back of my mind as I struggled with a load of neurological symptoms, severe eczema, and digestive problems. The breaking point came in August, a year after my first bits of double vision, when I still had no answers, but had a new unbearable (unexplainable) pain in half of my face. I've started to eliminate one thing at a time - the first being gluten. Within two weeks, I lost the eczema and I've been feeling better in other ways as well. (And no, I'm not celiac. I've had even the genetic testing done and I don't have a single match, fortunately.)
While I won't pretend that it's cured me, for it seems there is no cure what ails me (yet), it's made a world of difference in lessening my symptoms, waking up with more energy, and -bonus-... losing weight! So, now that I'm back at the stove, my posts will likely be different than my original style of cooking. It's become more of a journey. I'm learning basics about food and nutrition that I never knew or really considered. I'm learning that if I eat to satisfy nutritional needs, my cravings will also be satisfied. Funny how what we want is rarely what we need. ;)
So here's to a new chapter in my life. If you'd like to come along, welcome! From those ahead of me in the journey, I'm looking forward to learning. As I go, I hope to one day be able to pass on what I've learned to someone else like me... looking to nourish and hopefully heal their bodies with the food that we're designed to eat.
Excited and interested to see these new recipes...hope you're doing well!